September 15, 2014

The Yellow Bike

It´s been busy lately, and will continue to be busy. I have started a drawing course and it´s so much fun, but also so much work! The first exercise is measuring to get proportions right, and it´s a lot harder than I thought, but so very rewarding.

But I haven´t forgotten the summer trip and all those photos waiting to be posted. When we were in York, we saw yellow bicycles all over the place - this year, Tour de France (I am not into cycling at all, I thought it was a biking competition around France, but apparently not) passed through the UK, doing three distances: Leeds - Harrogate, York - Sheffield, and Cambridge - London. We were not in York on the day, missed it with almost a week, but we saw some of it on television. The colour yellow alludes to the yellow jersey, worn by the race leader. If you need more information, Wikipedia has an article about it.

This one was outside a kindergarten/school.


  1. I'm only peripherally informed about cycling things (I've given up all hope of including cycling in my life) and knew nothing about the yellow 'til now. Those yellow bikes are fun!

    1. I don´t cycle either, I have an issue with balance after a virus ate one of my nerves going from my ear when I was in my 20´s (sounds awful put that way...). Pretty much the only thing I know about Tour de France is that they are at it for weeks and the leader wears a yellow jersey.

      The yellow bikes were everywhere: over pub doors, attached to lampposts, on roofs, anywhere a bike could go. People seemed really enthusiastic about it.
