May 25, 2014

Dedicated To My Art

The weather report said cloudy but no rain, so we set out to Bälinge mountain again, ready for a few hours of birdsong and peace. Naturally, it rained, but not too hard to make a fire and eat some sausages. Between light showers, I tried to do some sketching while the husband skulked about with the camera.

Most of my sketches were failed experiments badly damaged by the rain, but at least I think I learned something. And I felt really rested when we got back - even my eyesight seems better after walk in the woods!


  1. i love the idea of your husband skulking about documenting you as you document trees. lol a circle of life of a sort. i like that sketch. do you frame anything? display them on your walls?

    1. No, I just sketch in my notebook/sketchbook, take a snap of anything I´m happy with and post it here!
